
Blizzard employee accused Bobby of the cat of Overwatch 2 launch in Steam

Activision Blizzard leadership ignored the warnings of the Developer Developers team of Revue-Bombing.

December 29 Bobby Kotik officially left Activision Blizzard. A few hours later, the Overwatch 2 community manager Andy Belford spoke about the situation before the release of the game in Steam. He accused the cat of ignoring the needs of the developer team and create additional problems.

I will share a funny fact. When we planned the launch of Overwatch 2 on Steam, my team warned a few months before that the game would be subjected to roar-bombing. We asked the management more information, details and resources to cope with the expected influx of players, but all requests were rejected – Andy Belford.

According to Belford, his team was provided with moderation tools in Steam, although initially work with reviews was not responsible for employees. This was done despite the refusal of the community manager to subject subordinates to the huge level of toxicity from the players. Belford noted that this decision was made by Bobby Kotik.

This is just one example of the working culture that the cat has naked in Actiblizz: the shit flowed down downstream, falling on the most low -paid and overloaded tasks of people. The leadership was too busy, responding to constantly changing instructions and decisions that did not make any sense. In the end, the experience of the player and developer did not mean anything to them. The leadership was only worried about quarterly profits.

December 20, 2023 Bobby Kotik published a farewell letter addressed to employees Activision Blizzard. In it, he thanked former subordinates for work and stated that he was not worried about the future of the company, which would be in the safe hands of Phil Spencer, the head of Microsoft Gaming.

After the cataa departed, Matt Boti, President of Game Content and Xbox studios, was appointed temporarily acting head. He will be accountable for the head of Blizzard Mike Ibarra, Activision President Rob Kostich and Activision Blizzard Vice-Chair.

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