
We get acquainted with the main characters of the interactive horror Silent Hill: Ascension

Soon the premiere of the extraordinary interactive horror Silent Hill: Asceence, where players within the framework of the live broadcast will be able to influence the fate of the characters and form their own dramatic final of history. The Genvid studio decided to load us in more details in their gloomy world and revealed the biographies of each of the six main characters. Their personal posters are also attached as a bonus.

The published illustrations show the key characters Silent Hill: Ascension – the only survivors that mysteriously all together ended up in a mystical town. Each of them has a unique story, but mysterious events unite their fate into one common story with an still unknown end.

The main characters Silent Hill: Ascension

  • Karl Johansen. Charles Johansen’s calm Norwegian farmer, regrets the past and strange, anxious visions. He is ready to go to anything to protect his daughters and grandson from the townspeople who hate his family.
  • Astrid Johansen. A neuropathologist who doubts his reason when she is associated with a mysterious disappearance. Old wounds again open when the tragic event associated with her father revives the hostility of the city residents to her family, and she is forced to meet face to face with her difficult past, protecting her son from a gloomy inheritance.
  • Toby Sireley. The city drunkard, irresponsible and reckless Toby with his behavior brought suffering to the city and forced his sister to accept the work he hated. Now he is eager to take revenge on those who, in his opinion, drove the wedge between them.
  • Alonso "Eric" Ernandes. A sensitive and devoted person who was trapped in the conflict between his wife and friends. When the situation reaches the limit, he is forced to choose between his family, friends and beliefs.
  • Rachel Ernandes. Mother and a zealous public figure, who has everything under control, until mysterious death makes everything around unraveling, casting doubt on her position in society and her own beliefs.
  • Xavier Kandless. The charismatic leader, whose devotion is so strong that it stupefents others. When a tragic event occurs in his community, the surrounding begins to doubt Xavier and what he is ready to go to achieve his goals.

The start of the interactive horror Silent Hill: Ascension will take place on October 31 on the App Store, Google Play and on the official website. It will be possible to follow the events of the project and influence the fate of the heroes for free.

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